Paul Hardcastle ft vocals by Steve Menzies - Run Free

SONG: Run Free ARTIST: Paul Hardcastle CONTRIBUTING: Singer Steve Menzies CD: The History of Paul Hardcastle 1984-2016 Amazon: iTunes: Spotify: Into the #Hardcastlezone: The song, “Run Free“, is a music collaboration between music producer Paul Hardcastle and R&B Soul Singer Steve Menzies [RIP]. It was brought to my attention [by Mark Menzies - son of Steve] that his father wrote the vocal melody and lyrics to “Run Free“. The song was also previously released as a free download from Paul to his fans: It would be several months after purchasing Hardcastle 1 before I would come to know that Steve Menzies is also the singer who sang the vocals on the beautiful song [You May Be Gone] written in memory of Paul Hardcastle’s mother [RIP] and on Hardcastle 1. Hardcastlemusic fans in the U.K. are very familiar with singer Steve Menzies. It is reported that Steve’s influence in music came from some of America’s “heavy hitter” musicians and singers, such as Marvin Gaye, The Isley Brothers, Stevie Wonder, and Earth, Wind, and Fire. His music style leaned heavily on R&B, soul with vocal jazz influence and classical. His music discography contains several singles that were successful in the U.K. and his electrifying vocals were responsible for the success of the “Beats 4 Life” music compilation that contained the hit single “Where Did All the Love Go”. Sadly, Steve Menzies passed into the heavens in April 2015. RIP Steve…just want you to know that Hardcastlemusic fans really miss you. For more information about music producer Paul Hardcastle and his music, please visit the following websites: VIDEO COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: The Video is made for entertainment purposes only and no copyright infringement is intended in the making of this video. The music was released in a “free“ download from Paul Hardcastle to his fans. Despite the posting of the video, the Artist (or record management) always has entitlement to their music. I will comply if I am contacted with a request to remove the video from the Channel. PHOTOS: With the exception of the first, the other pictures that are used in this video do not belong to me. Those images remain the property of the respectful copyright owners. An owner may feel free to contact me through my YouTube Channel if they identify a photo that belongs to them and wish for it to be removed.
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