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Creama Bianco Stucco Veneziano – это материал, используемый при отделке помещений для создания эффекта отделки поверхностей c эффектом мрамора. Это покрытие состоит из мраморной пыли и особых связующих. Данная венецианская штукатурка часто также называется венецианкой, что обусловлено историей ее происхождения.
CREAMA BIANCO is the material used for interior decoration to create the marble effect on the surface. This plaster contains of marble dust and a number of special bonding elements. This type of plaster is often referred to as Venetian plaster due to its genesis.
Many historical regions of Italy (like Venice and other) are known for using the ancient-roman wall-decoration technology. The marble dust, which had been left behind the excavation of the marble mines, was used in it. On one hand, the utilization of the marble dust-based plaster was much less expensive than the use of marble itself; on the other – the plaster itself is much more soft and versatile material than the marble.
The technology of STUCCO VENEZIANO decorative plaster application is quite effort-demanding; the material is applied in several thin layers (2 to 12, and even more), gets mixed with additional colorants to gain the stone-veins effect; often polishing is needed as the final step of the process. However, these difficulties are compensated by truly countless options of the artistic application; the interiors are rich-looking, sometimes even luxurious. The large number of layers of CREAMA BIANCO makes the surface visually deeper, creates the shimmering effect if the lights are set up in the correct way.
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