Лучшее исполнение, что я слышал. Браво :) Жаль, нет видео. Passacaglia and Fugue in C minor, BWV 582 (J.S. Bach, c. 1708)

Passacaglia and Fugue in C minor, BWV 582 (J.S. Bach, c. 1708) Performed by the renowned French organist André Isoir (1988) IMPORTANT !!! : If you are the COPYRIGHT OWNER of the performances / images / music / text in this video, I kindly ask you to contact me requesting to delete the video BEFORE lodging a complaint with the YouTube administration. I WILL DELETE THE VIDEO IMMEDIATELY. I thank you. “Passacaglia and Fugue in C minor (BWV 582) is an organ piece by Johann Sebastian Bach. Presumably composed
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