Трибьют: Из клетки прочь!

1. Original video in EN by Jaykinsy: 2. Music: Jeremiah Pena - Frozen Clearing 3. Our community VK: 4. Mods used in video: - Debug Console Enabler by Skomski - Debug Console Extensions by SkacikPL - Realistic Contrast Textures by Jack3459 - with 2 companions by BrownPaperBag - The Witcher 3 HD Reworked project by Halk Hogan - Lore-friendly Witchers by DazzlingDjango - High Quality Face by Holgar96 - Hairwork on everything but Geralt by Crassius - IncreaseLOD by sjbox - Weather by ramccoid - Toussaint Lighting Everywhere by CertainlyStenchy
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