Steam Powered Giraffe - Brass Goggles
© 2011 Steam Powered Giraffe LLC.
Steam Powered Giraffe performing their song “Brass Goggles“.
DP - Raul Urreola
Edited by - David Michael Bennett “The Spine“
“Brass Goggles“ is from the album “Album One“ and can also be heard live on the album ’Live at the Globe of
Yesterday’s Tomorrow’. Both albums are available on CD, iTunes, and other digital music distributors.
Other links:
Raul Urreola:
“Brass Goggles“ Lyrics
Music & Lyrics by Christopher Bennett
Composed by Jonathan Sprague
(Attune your ears to the grinding gears)
Come with me I’ll show you how to be a metal man
When the gears are turning and the fires are burning
When the world ticks around you,
voices tocki