How to Create A GLOWING EYES Effect | After Effects Tutorial

In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to composite smoking, burning eye energy VFX in Adobe After Effects. This glowing eyes effect is based on Todd Ingram’s powers in the movie Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, with a few more advanced modifications of our own, such as the use of ActionVFX’s Cigarette Smoke and Icon: Anamorphic: Lens Flares collections to do the glowing eyes FX. Download the plate and follow along! ActionVFX assets used: Cigarette Smoke Icon: Anamorphic Lens Flares 00:00 Intro 00:37 Tracking the eye balls using MochaPro 02:28 Creating the first pass of the glow using Lens Flares 04:25 Compositing the eye glow 06:04 Compositing the cigarette smoke 09:59 Creating the subsurface skin glow 11:35 Ou
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