Fan Xing Ming - technique de baston

Master Fan Xin Ming was born the 14 opens them of 1944 in mountains of Shaolin, in Henan, Chinchou. To nine years he began to train itself with the Masters more important than Shaolin, like Great Master Yin Yue Tin. One practiced 10 hours to the day, from the monday to Sunday, having to exceed hard spiritual physical tests how much, inside of the Monastero. This hard systematic preparation prolongedded for 6 years, during which it slept with a leg behind the head for giving flexibility to its body. Thus strict era the regime that the majority of its companions surrendered. Instead Fan, plus perseverante and faithful to its vocation, achieved to exceed the examination of Master. A year after and with a highest preparation, became Production manager and Master of the arenas of Henan, Beijing and Geluyian.
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