Brother Electronic Knitting Machines: Upload patterns using Knittington, GIMP (Linux)

Upload patterns to a Brother KH950 KH940 KH930 using Knittington and an FTDI cable. Cable tutorial at - home of img2track For the FTDI cable device rule I used the information from the command udevadm info -a -n /dev/ttyUSB0 - yours may be numbered differently but should be prefixed ttyUSB /etc/udev/rules.d/: KERNEL==“ttyUSB[0-9]*“, SUBSYSTEMS==“usb“, ATTRS{idVendor}==“0403“, ATTRS{idProduct}==“6001“, ATTRS{product}==“TTL232R-3V3“, MODE=“0666“, SYMLINK =“FTDI“ It’s a good idea to plug in the FTDI cable while the knitting machine is off, and you need to have the usb side plugged into your computer before you start the knittington gui or the device file won’t show when you click emulate. Knittington is multiplatform (Windows/Linux/Mac), please see for more information. Imagemagick resizes and reduces the colours, and for loops go through each pixel row by row to find the colour value (black or white). Here I’ve used imagemagick’s convert command: mycolour=`convert $ -format “%[fx: u.p{$ii,$i}]“ info:` $ii and $i being x and y coordinates. depending of the value of $mycolour you can add to $hexstring FF or 00 printf piped into dd makes the rawformat hex file. Remember to include the \x option for hexidecimal! printf ’\x’$hexstring | dd of= bs=1 seek=0 count=$totalnumberofbytes conv=notrunc; $totalnumberofbytes= height x width 4 Before running this command make sure you remove any previous versions of to avoid creating an invalid file. Thanks to daviworks for the FTDI cable tutorial. Knittington has already been updated since I planned this video, thanks to all involved for this great program! Yet again I am reminded why I like ImageMagick so much!
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