ENGLISH (ниже по-русски)
Lithuania played a major role in the life of the poet Joseph Brodsky. He visited it frequently, staying with Romas Katilius and his wife. In Lithuania, Brodsky wrote some of his most significant poems and also healed spiritual wounds. There, be befriended In Vilnius, for the first time, Brodsky learned from his friend Thomas Venclova about an exiled Polish poet named Czeslaw Milosz, whom Venclova had met previously. Subsequently they helped Tomas Venclova leave the USSR. The destinies of these three “sons of the century“--Brodsky, Venclova, and Milosz--had some amazing overlaps . All of them had left the Soviet Union, lived in the U.S., and were professors at American universities. Two won the Nobel Prize for Literature. All of the three poets are bound not only by the fate of emigration, but also by their love for Lithuania. Vilnius provided a “chance of normality“ for these poets.
Awards and festivals’s screenings: Literature on the Screen IFF, Gatch
5 months ago 00:26:47 1
Приключения Буратино. Сборник песен из фильма (1975)
5 months ago 00:06:43 1
Лиза ЦО, Лёша Омский, Слоубро, Иван Смех, Андрей Сало - Анархосайфер