225 | This HIDDEN SECRET Will End All Human Suffering | INSPIRED Livestream 12/2/21 | 2PM CST
👉🏽 Join us LIVE at 2PM CST!
► They don’t teach it in schools.
► They don’t say this on TV.
► It’s not part of any job training.
► Most religions have kept this a secret too.
► But inner-standing this will change your life...
►...and end human suffering as we know it.
► Let’s talk about it in today’s Livesrream!
👉🏽 Join us LIVE at 2PM CST!
▹ The 3-30 Challenge:
Right after waking up -
1. Morning breath work with Wim Hof 👉🏽
2. Stay in the deeply relaxed state for as long as it lasts (Meditation)
3. Write in your gratitude journal