01 Introduction - Geometry Nodes For Beginners / Blender 3.0(Fields)

Welcome to another short tutorial series about hot topic of the blender community, which is also the latest and anticipated feature - Geometry Nodes. Get Project Files Nodes are powerful, every major 3D programme either already have a strong node based procedural workflow, or is adapting to it. Blender’s Everything Node projects first installment is Geometry Nodes. Which is still at a very early stage of development, but can make life easier even with limited number of nodes we have a this moment. It’s fun, It changes the way we used to make environments, procedural effects, scatter things around. And not just that, with upcoming modifiers and many more nodes being added to it, its going to get even more powerful. So while the development of Geometry Nodes will go on for quite some time, its better we do some catching up, and start adapting to the new workflow. This first part of Geometry Nodes series is for absolute be
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