THE BLACK TAPE PROJECT Runway at Miami Swimweek 2023 | Powered by Art Hearts Fashion
#blacktape #art #theblacktapeproject #miamiswimweek2023 THE BLACK TAPE PROJECT Runway at Miami Swimweek 2023 | Powered by Art Hearts Fashion @artheartsfashion | Video by @18MilesMedia
Hair by: @united_hair | @TheBeachwaver | @fademastersofmiami
Eyebrows by: @billiondollarbrows
Makeup: @TheMakeupLight
Drinks: @drinkheyhei | @empressgin | @1800tequila | @josecuervotequila | @smartwater
Food/Health: @alaninutrition | Crazie Snacks
Skin Lotion: @ | @soldejaneiro
Tan: @tanologisttan Tanologist Tan
Happy V: @myhappyv
Beach Bags: @ The Friday People
Roses: @rio_roses Rio Roses
Jewelry: @karinjamiesonjewelry Karin Jamieson Jewelry
Art Gallery: @sixsummitgallery Six Summit Gallery
And More....
Cool Cat RTD
Aqua Lyna
#fashionscene #runway #swimwearfashion #swimwearfashionshow #designer
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