万歳!毛主席 (日本語版) - Long Live Chairman Mao! (Japanese Version)

A Japanese version of a Chinese revolutionary song popularised during the Cultural Revolution. This set of lyrics was translated by the Haguruma Theatre Troupe, a Japanese Maoist performing arts group and released as part of their “Revolutionary Songbook“ (革命歌集). With the help of the GETchan People’s Choir and Orchestra, this set of lyrics has finally been brought to life. 中国語版: Performer: Hanako and Tarō Yamada with GETchan People’s Choir and Orchestra (山田花子、山田太郎、ゲットチャン人民合唱団とオーケストラ) Composer: Qin Geng (勤耕) Lyricist: Haguruma Theatre Troupe (劇団はぐるま座), based off of Chinese lyrics by Qin Geng (勤耕) Image: Rally of the Japanese Communist Party (Left Faction). Signs: 「軍国主義復活反対!」 “Oppose the return of militarism!“ 「偉大な指導者、舵手毛主席万才、万万才!」 “Long live the great leader and helmsman, Chairman Mao, long long live!“ 「マルクス・レーニン主義の最高峯、毛沢東思想万才!」 “Long live the highest stage of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought!“ 「毛沢東思想の偉大な勝利万才万万才! 日本共産党(左派)」 “Long live the great victory of Mao Zedong Thought, long long live! Japanese Communist Party (Left Faction)“ 中国观众注意:我在B站上试过上传附有中文翻译的这视频,但视频被封了。我在B站上不太活跃的原因,是因为我大部分的视频都会被封,无法在B站分享。带来不便敬请谅解。
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