Listen/order the album: http://lnkto/RW258
Taken from the album _Musow Danse,_ out 16 February 2023
Like a bow pulled back with a fist and a sharp-angled elbow, the supergroup Les Amazones d’Afrique take aim at gender inequality and, fortified by an ancient-to-future soundscape co-crafted with producer Jacknife Lee, shoot their flaming arrows. Six glorious voices, six mighty queens — Alvie Bitemo, Dobet Gnahoré, Kandy Guira, Mamani Keïta, Nneka, Fafa Ruffino — declaim in a range of languages of the freedom and joy that comes with speaking out, and of the power of unity and ally-ship. Female warriordom has never sounded so fierce — or so danceable.
’Flaws’ features Mamani Keïta and Fafa Ruffino on lead vocals, and carries the simple message that the perfect person does not exist. We all have our flaws and imperfections, and we should embrace them.
Lyrics: Mamani Keïta & Fafa Ruffino
Music: Jacknife Lee
Director: Kennedy Junior Muntanga - @kennedyjuniormuntanga
Executive Producer: Valérie Malot, 3D Family - @3d_family_booking
Producer/Editor: Odhrán Mullan - @odhranmullan
Movement direction: Kennedy Junior Muntanga, Martina Mancini - @epoimartina
Cinematographer/visual direction: Manoel Akure - @manoelakure
Colourist: Cam Sander - @cam_sander
Make-up artist: Amy Dyas - @beautycleanbyamy
Venue: ACE Space - @acedancemusic
_Produced in partnership with RFI Talent_
From the ACE Dance and Music Youth and Fused: Elieth Davis, T’Chae Wilson, Neveah Beckford, Zachary Turner-Powell, Mei Shan Allen, Saffron McIntosh, Jesca Newman, Ethan Spence, Lleyla Wallace, Maya Suttenwood, Tahara Rowe, Jonella, Louise Seraton, Ashley Powell and Alesha Williams.
_Special thanks to Gail and Ian Parmel, and everyone at ACE Dance & Music and The Central School of Makeup in Birmingham._
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English Translation
(Original language below)
No one has more flaws than an outgoing person
People with flaws carry them everywhere they go
(They say you heard us, you get it?)
No one has more flaws than a chatty person
People with flaws carry them everywhere they go
(They say you heard us, you get it?)
No one has more flaws than a poor person
(They say you heard us, you you heard us?)
Everyone has flaws
People with flaws
Carry them everywhere they go (x2)
Brothers, let’s reflect on this for a moment
No one has more flaws than a traveler
People with flaws carry them everywhere they go
(They say you heard us?)
Brothers, let’s accept the accusations for a moment
No one has more flaws than an outgoing person
People with flaws carry them everywhere they go
(They say you heard us?)
I travelled through the whole city of Bamako
Everyone there has their own flaws
I travelled through the whole city of Mopti
Everyone there has their own flaws
I travelled through the whole of France
Everyone there has their own flaws
I travelled through the whole of Europe
Everyone there has their own flaws
Chorus (x4)
Get up, get up, get up, get up, RISE!
Get up, get up, get up, RISE!
They say you heard us, and you like it?
No matter what, we’re gonna make it
They say you heard us, and you like it?
No matter what, YOU HEARD US?
Chorus (x4)
Everyone has flaws
I say everyone has flaws
Everyone has flaws
I say everyone has flaws
Bambara/Ewe transcription:
Sòn bè mògòla sòn bè yalalala
Sòntigi n’a ka sòntigiya bè yala
(Obe mi se, obe le?)
Sòn bè mògòla sòn b’an kumalawla
Sòntigi n’a ka sòntigiya bè yala
(Obe mi se, obe le?)
Sòn bè mògòla sòn bè bolokolonna
Sòntigi n’a ka sòntigiya bè yala
(Obe mi se, obi mi se?)
Sòn bè bèe la
Sòntigi n’a
Ka sòntigiya bè yala (x2)
N’balimaw yo an ka tasi dòni
Sòn bè mògòla sòn bè taamalala
Sòntigi n’a ka sòntigiya bè yala
(Obe mi se?)
N’balimaw yo an ka jalaki dòni
Sòn bè mògòla sòn bè yalalala
Sòntigi n’a ka sòntigiya bè yala
(Obe mi se?)
Ko ne taara Bamako dugu bèe yala
Olu n’u sònkolon bè nyòanna
Ko ne taara Mòpti dugu bèe yala
Olu n’u sònkolon bè nyòanna
Ko ne taara Faransi dugu bèe yala
Olu n’u sònkolon bè nyòanna
Ko ne taara Eròpu dugu bèe yala
Olu n’u sònkolon bè nyòanna
Chorus (x4)
Tiki tiki tiki tiki TCHITÉ!
Tiki tiki tiki TCHITÉ!
Obe mi se, obe mi lon
Tchoko tchoko, ela gnon la
Obe mi se, obe mi lon
Tchoko tchoko, OBE MI SE
Chorus (x4)
Sòn bè bèe la
Ne ko sòn bè bèe la
Sòn bè bèe la
Ne ko sòn bè bèe la
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