Warrior Series: Arms and Armor of a Late Republican Legionary

An overview of the panoply of a legionary in the time of the late Roman republic. We discuss all individual items and compare them to the more well-known legionary of the first century Roman empire. We’ll take a close look at iconic items like his gladius, scutum, pilum and pugio and show the sculptures that form the most realistic representation of these items. Before all that, we’ll give some back-ground information and context on the organization and professionalization of the Roman army around the end of the Roman republic, being the first century BC; the time of famous generals like Juliu...s Caesar, Pompey the Great and Marc Anthony. If you want to enjoy a 20% discount on the amazing Ancient Warfare magazine go to: and use the discount code imperiumromanum to redeem it! Special thanks to the reenactment group Desmumhnach! Please consider supporting us on Patreon: Our thanks as always to Museum Park Orientalis in Heilig Landstichting The Netherlands for letting us make use of their amazing historical park, be sure to check it out if you’re in the neighborhood! Music: Rome Total War 1 Jeff van Dyck Rome Total War 2 Richard Beddow Graphic motion design: German Reber 00:00-00:45 intro 00:46-00:55 channel trailer 00:56-03:46 context on the republican army 03:47- 6:10 helmet 6:11-7:47 body armor 7:48-9:39 sword 9:40-10:03 belt 10:04-10:51 dagger 10:52-12:01 spear 12:02 shield 13:42-13:43 outro 14:44 end screen
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