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Our Scalar Wave Technology 2023-08-11 17:49:49 Technology from USA - 8ight Labs Our holographic discs are charged with unique medicine and herbs biological frequency signatures via scalar waves, a form of wave energy discovered by Nikola Tesla, who was a renowned physicist. Technology from USA - 8ight Labs Our wristbands are from our R&D partner, 8ight Labs USA, who is the leader in the field of frequency medicine combining modern technology and biological signalling. 8ight Labs has been the international leader since 2006 in research and development in the field of bioenergetics and infusion technology. Being the creator of biological signaling using wearable technology, and the immense R&D expertise of 8ight Labs in this industry, our wristbands effectiveness will always be ahead of our competitors. Unique product; no side effects Our wristbands are a 4rd generation scalar energy product with scalar energy and herbal biological signals embedded into our uniquely designed holographic disc to give optimum health benefits and EMF protection to our body. Unlike supplements, our product is worn; not ingested or injected. Because no drugs or chemicals are involved, you run the risk of ZERO side effects or over-dosage.
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