Lord Trenchard Laid To Rest (1956)

Westminster Abbey, London. GV. Lord Trenchard, ’Father of the RAF’ lying in state at the Air Ministry (title super over). SV. Royal Air Force men marching down Whitehall with arms reversed. GV. RAF (Royal Air Force) Band playing Funeral March followed by the funeral carriage. SV. Funeral carriage. CU. Pan, cortege going past. Flag used for the unveiling of the Cenotaph is covering his coffin. SV. The Ensignia bearers, Air Chief Marshal the Honourable Sir Ralph Cochrane, Major-General E. Hakewill Smith, Sir Henry Dalton, followed by the Duke of Edinburgh in RAF uniform and Viscount Trenchard. SV. Pan, large group of representatives of heads of Foreign Governments. GV. Cortege approaching Westminster Abbey. SV. Pan - Earl Mountbatten in procession with Admiral Bingley (rear) and Vice Admiral Clifford. GV. Cortege nearing the door at Westminster Abbey. Angle shot - flag flying from the Abbey towers at half mast. LV. Cortege entering the west door of the Abbey. (Neg.) (Title Scene “E“) FILM ID: A
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