Gopro Hero 7 & Reelsteady Go - noisy gyro problem solved ! #blackbox2gpmf
Gopro Hero 7 & RSgo - problem solved = blackbox2gpmf
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This is a quick introduction for Blackbox2GPMF.
#blckbox2gpmf allows to replace the gyro and accelerometer data stream that gets recorded by Gopro in every MP4 file.
This Python tool is developed by Jaro Meyer :
It can be used to make Hero 5 black, Session 5 and Hero 7 black 100% RSgo compatible,
all you need is a Betaflight of EMUflight FC with blackbox recording function ( or openlagger ) .
We tested a ton of different hardware combinations together and serval ways
to record Blackbox with the flight-FC and also using a 2nd dedicated “blackbox recorder“ FC.
Now it works pretty nice and when it`s set up once, it really integrates in a workflow for RSgo if you need it - like run a #nakedgopro Hero7 for example.
...sure it’s more work, but also much more reliable than all the softmounted solution
that i have seen and tested the la