Circus Time (1950-1959)

No documentation for this item Associated British Pathe presents CIRCUS TIME MS a clown surrounded by children. The camera closes in on his lapel badge “ABC Minors.“ Title: “ABC Minors! Presenting one of our members COCO the famous clown from Bertram Mills Circus“. GV Inside the Circus Big Top - the ringmaster and white ’Liberty Horses’ running around the ring. Several shots the horses performing tricks. CU children’s face and audience shots. Several shots: Trapeze Act ’The Flying Tonders’ (spelling unclear). WS A large bear riding a small motorbike. WS ’The Ten Askars’ (spelling unclear), a group of acrobats performing in the ring. Several shots: ’The Tightrope Chimps’, chimpanzees performing tightrope tricks and various acrobatics. Cinderella’s coach pulled by Shetland Ponies leaves the arena. Outside, a family look at the bear cage. CU the bears looking through the bars and playing. CU the family watching. Several shots the family looking at the tigers in their cage. CU a lion in a c
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