Eve Echoes Sky Podcast - Интервью с лидером HHA - Born Free | Обзор СТРАХОВКИ | Типы контента в EVE

Ссылка на игру - Донаты - Наш Телеграм - ​ Ссылка на Discord Sky News Corporation - ​​ Hello! This is a collective request. Current realization of insurance kills industry and trade content in the game. My acquaintances PvE players leave EE for reasons above. They just can’t play, nobody needs production, ships etc. Please review the mechanics of insurance system on the example of EVE Online. Or at least let the insurance creates 1 to 1 buy orders quantity, it will greatly improve the economy in the game. Форма обратной связи EVE Online: Месть #eveechoes​​ #eveechoesskynews​​ #letsplaythegame​
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