Quake2 movies | Life on The Edge (2001)

Written & directed by Leo Lucien-Bay AKA Released: 2001 __________________________________ What is it? - In short: a very funny movie about mister Grunt, who’s literally living in the map The Edge, his world. It’s a rude awakening when suddenly he discovers that there are more things besides rocketlaunchers and splash damage. A classic Quake2 movie that is a must-see for every Quake2 fan that loves the game for its characteristics. (Don’t eat or drink while watching this!) From the author: “It’s kind of a take on deathmatching, and romance, from a poetry angle. Don’t ask how those go together, just watch the film. It rocks!“ Obviously, this isn’t one of the many compilations of demos with highlights from the gameplay of pro’s, but something completely different. I almost forgot I still had it and how well done and funny it actually is. One of the reasons I wanted to convert it to a high quality videoclip was that it’s hard to find download links that aren’t dead, let alone get it to run and wa
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