5G Apocalypsa - Gateshead Edition

Gateshead Council refuse to accept a legal document from Mark Steele concerning denial of 5G roll out in the neighbourhood 5G technology has its origins in military hardware and the same frequencies associated today on civil Streets have been used with pulse radar for crowd dispersal and to disable pirates in Somalia. Today many well reputed physicians and academic researches have declared this technology to be totally unsafe for all life-forms. Dr. Martin L Pyle PhD of biochemistry at Washington State University says “Putting in tens of millions of 5G antennae without a single biological test of safety has got to be about the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world“. D, Marian Blank from Columbia University’s Department of physiology has said. “We have created something that is harming us and he’s getting out of control.“ All life is by electrically sensitive and our pulse resonates with the natural frequency of Earth as proven by the Schumann resonance.
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