
Blog Page Setup\ 7:50 Backend Blog Page Setup Part 7 18:16 Frontend Blog Show Setup Part 1 32:03 Frontend Blog Show Setup Part 2 50:01 Frontend Blog Show Setup Part 3 1:06:14 Frontend Blog Show Setup Part 4 1:15:12 Frontend Blog Show Setup Part 5 Footer Page Setup\ 1:22:48 Backend Footer Page Setup Part 1 1:39:24 Backend Footer Page Setup Part 2 1:46:05 Frontend Footer Show Setup Contact Form Setup\ 1:50:49 Frontend Contact Form Setup Part 1 1:59:28 Frontend Contact Form Setup Part 2 2:11:07 Backend Contact Form Page Setup Setting Setup\ 2:22:50 Update Routes in Menu Page 2:36:38 Site Update Custom Title 2:41:22 Update Frontend Active Link 2:50:30 Middleware Groups In Route 2:55:50 Form Validation With JavaScript Part 1 3:01:47 Form Validation With JavaScript Part 2 3:13:26 How to Use Key for Get Serial Number 3:15:34 Add Custom Pagination Part 1 3:22:08 Add Custom Pagination Part 2 Backup And Deploy to Live Server\ 3:36:43 How to Back Up Laravel Project From Localhost 3:40:34 Deploy Laravel 9 Project to Webserver and Remove Public Name from Url 8 A-Z Basic Fandamentals with Complete Dynamic Web Project\ 3:54:29 Essential Enviroment Setup 3:59:57 Laravel 8 installation 4:10:33 Discuss on Laravel Folder Structure 4:19:23 What is MVC and Its Benefits 4:21:37 What is Route 4:22:45 Laravel Routes 4:35:14 Laravel Blade Syntax 4:40:20 How to Make Controller And Get Url Reques 4:52:07 Middleware 5:03:34 Laravel Url, URL to Route 5:14:05 Create Database and Configaration 5:18:15 Laravel 8 Authentication install 5:29:56 Laravel 8 Authentication Details 5:44:26 Eloquent ORM Read Users Data 6:07:25 Query Builder Read Users Data 6:13:27 Create Model And Migration 6:32:50 Form Validation & Show Custom Error Message 6:55:12 Eloquent ORM Insert Data 7:13:34 Insert Data With Query Builder 7:19:45 Eloquent ORM Read Data 7:32:05 Query Builder Read Data 7:35:38 Laravel Pagination 7:42:48 Eloquent ORM One To One Relationships 7:51:34 Query Builder Join Table 7:58:26 Eloquent ORM Edit & Update 8:23:59 Query Builder Edit & Update Data 8:31:32 Soft Delete ,Data Restore & ForceDelete Part 1 8:48:46 Soft Delete ,Data Restore & ForceDelete Part 2 9:00:52 Setup Brand Page 9:21:43 Eloquent ORM Insert Image 9:48:29 Eloquent ORM Edit,Update Data With Image & Without Image Part 1 10:00:57 Eloquent ORM Edit,Update Data With Image & Without Image Part 2 10:18:50 Delete Data With Image 10:26:49 Image Insert & Resize With Intervention Package 10:41:11 Multiple Image Upload Part 1 10:54:22 Multiple Image Upload Part 2 11:11:20 Update User Profile and Change Password 11:21:40 Forgot Password & Password Reset 11:30:36 Email Verify in Laravel 11:38:14 Middleware Auth Users Access Control 11:44:35 Admin Panel Setup Part 1 11:48:48 Admin Panel Setup Part 2
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