Marilyn Manson - Cake And Sodomy [Music Video]

“Cake and Sodomy“ is the second track on the 1994 release Portrait of an American Family. The earliest recording of this song dates back to the band’s Grist-o-Line cassette, recorded in August 1990. In 1990, a woman Marilyn Manson met at a McDonald’s in Fort Lauderdale invited Manson to spend a weekend with her in New York City. Upon discovering that the girl was using her sister’s ID because she was too young to work, Manson abandoned her, shortly after which he ran into two clubbers from South Florida. Manson spent the remainder of his stay in New York at the clubbers’ hotel room, where he stumbled on public-access channels, which were “a completely new phenomenon“ to him. Manson “spent hours flipping through the station, watching Pat Robertson preach about society’s evils and then ask people to call him with their credit card number,“ while “On the other channel, a guy was greasing up his cock with Vaseline and asking people to call and give him
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