HEALTHY KNEES massage and acupuncture points Mu Yuchun

Healthy knees: massage and acupuncture points. Mu Yuchun Mu Yuchun was telling how to cure knees with the help of massage during the seminar in Odessa. He told about disease prevention. He showed two methods of massaging knees and explained how to find three affective and useful points. Chinese acupuncture massage by Mu Yuchun. Read more about this outstanding person. Health with Mu Yuchun. Healthy knees. A knee. Let’s talk about knees. If your knee aches - massage will help, if it doesn’t – it is still useful to massage. Watch what I do. The one says “my knee doesn’t ache”, if it really doesn’t, then massage it anyway. Look, I’ll explain you the basics. For example, I want to get some water, but the soil is dry. There is sand near the sea, over there. If I clap the sand, in a while water will appear. But why does water appear? How does it appear? It calls “dragon sucks the water”. Listen to the sound between your palms – it’s a pump. When we clap our hands, it’s also a pump. When we
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