If Chris Cornell and Kurt Cobain made a song together

What if Cornell and Cobain wrote a song together? Music written by André Antunes Voice altered using sovits-svc (AI program) Lyrics are just something I wrote when I stopped smoking Disclaimer: I know there is a lot of debate going on about A.I. and I wanted to add my take on this. I also have doubts and fears concerning the future and the harm that such technology could cause. In this specific case (and let me add that I had a lot of fun, like I haven’t had in a long time), It opens up so many creative doors for me. For example, when composing, I find it easier to envision another singer, rather than myself. In this case, I pictured a Chris Cornell and Kurt Cobain collab. I do not intend to market this song, and release it on streaming platforms, rather than here on Youtube, for your entertainment. But, I could release this in the future with a human singing it, with his own voice. I do not wish to enter any legal dispute over this, I do not wish to harm these
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