The RAC looks for recruits by showing great advances in British tanks, armored like battle...(1941)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit British tanks on manoeuvres demonstrate their versatility and skills, climbing hills, splashing across rivers, and crashing through trees, and General Lieutenant Martel (Chief of Britain’s Royal Armoured Corps) calls for recruits to join the RAC Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Britain’s Battleships of the Land ENGLAND: EXT TANKS. Giant British tanks on thro’ thro’ stream V.G. Navy - Active Richard Wagner, Die Walkure, Royal Armoured Corps, RAC, Sir Giffard Le Quesne Martel Background: British tanks on manoeuvres demonstrate their versatility and skills, climbing hills, splashing across rivers, and crashing through trees, and General Lieutenant Martel (Chief of Britain’s Royal Armoured Corps) calls for recruits to join the RAC FILM ID: VLVAER51HNVNL74HSNBZVGF85R82L To
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