Warhammer - The Shield of Humanity (Imperium Tribute - I’m Only Human)
This is of course heavily inspired by Mad Masks Tribute video. You can find it here:
Used material:
The Lord Inquisitor by Erasmus Brosdau
Warhammer - Death of Hope Trailer by Mark Louis Spark
Astartes - Parte One and Two
The Fortress Monastery and His Angels by Cloud of Judgement
Dawn of War, Dawn of War II and Dawn of War III trailer material
SpaceMarine Trailer material
Spacehulk Deathwing Trailer material
Fire Warrior Cutscenes
Inquisitor Matyr Trailer material
Battlefleet Gothic I and II Trailer material and cutscenes
Thumbnail is a shot from “The Lord Inquisitor“ by Erasmus Brosdau
Music: Human - Rag ’n’ Bone Man (Mass Effect Trailer Remix)
This is a cinematic tribute video for the Imperium of Mankind by me. Used material not made by me. Intellectual property (c) Games Workshop.