Shovel Knight Dig - Launch Trailer - Nintendo Switch

Shovel Knight Dig is available now on Nintendo Switch: Grab your trusty shovel blade and dig into Shovel Knight’s next adventure! When Drill Knight and his dastardly digging crew blast apart Shovel Knight’s peaceful campsite and steal his loot, he grabs his trusty Shovel Blade and starts tunneling after them! Meet new friends and foes, visit strange lands, and outfit yourself in your quest to keep the entire land from collapsing underfoot! Jump, slash, and dig your way down an ever-changing chasm of mystery in Shovel Knight Dig, an all-new Shovel Knight adventure! #ShovelKnightDig #IndieWorld #NintendoSwitch Subscribe for more Nintendo fun! Visit for all the latest! Like Nintendo on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Pinterest:
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