Previously unseen Super 8 footage of Queen performing in Copenhagen on May 12, 1977 made available thanks to @Simon Christensen . The raw scan is available on his channel -
This film has graciously been shared by the filmer Lars T. Kroman, and scanned profesionally on a Lasergraphics ScanStation.
Big thanks to @Chinwonder2 and TheRealWizard for helping detect the songs played, and synchronizing the vast majority of the audio - minor adjustments were made by Simon.
01 - 00:00 - Tie Your Mother Down
02 - 00:50 - Ogre Battle
03 - 02:32 - White Queen (As It Began)
04 - 02:59 - Somebody to Love
05 - 03:23 - Killer Queen
06 - 03:33 - The Millionaire Waltz
07 - 03:58 - Death on Two Legs (Dedicated to...)
08 - 04:30 - Brighton Rock
09 - 04:40 - Bohemian Rhapsody
10 - 04:46 - Stone Cold Crazy
11 - 05:02 - In the Lap of the Gods... Revisited
12 - 05:16 - Now I’m Here
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