Kamila Valieva Quad Toe (4T) Evolution 2019-2021

Kamila Valieva started jumping 4T since 2019, it’s been a lot of training and competitions and on this video we see her journey on this hard and impressive jump, hope you enjoy the video. Videos from: competitions and Youtube Channel: random fs videos Instagram: weloveskating__ #kamilavalieva #КамилаВалиева #quads Music on the video Take it Tribute Night out All the rights to their respective owners #figureskating #iceskating #Фигурноекатание #катаниенаконьках #tutberidze #quads #quadjumps #4t #russia #sports #yuzuruhanyu #evgeniamedvedeva #alinazagitova #ЕвгенияМедведева
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