Ian Bruce - Arrogant Man

Текст с Bandcamp’а: “ARROGANT MAN (Ian M. Bruce/Charlie Milne) It’s a strange thing isn’t it? How people get it wrong. How people, they just get it wrong? They see you big and they think your strong, But people they just get it wrong. They say, “He’s an offhand arrogant man. Who does he think he is? Over confident man! Who does he think he is? Windows and mirror walls the same, He can’t resist on the pass The head turns to check reflections Of his handsome self in the glass. Chorus So, come close, climb inside And just for a moment be me. Reflections through the looking glass See the flaws that I see. So look out, see what we will. To do so we all are free. We must keep an open mind And live our lives reasonably. To see ourselves as others see us- A rude awakening that might be. But for a moment “they“ could be “us“ They might think different of me. Chorus So, come close, climb inside And just for a moment be me. Reflections through the looking glass See the flaws that I see. from The Demons’ Dance, released November 1, 2004 Written by Ian M. Bruce and Charlie Milne“
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