Bunkai from Patsai from the style Sukunaihayashi Shorinryu also known as Shorinji ryu.

This version of Patsai contrasts the Matsumura version with open palm strikes at the beginning of the form. The key technique is an Osae Uke “palm heel pressing/strike“. When done correctly it will destroy your opponent’s attack and neutralize his punching arm. It takes a “live blade“ or a well conditioned “palm“ to make it work--so like everything else you must pay the price of in BST credits (blood, sweat & tears) otherwise it will be weak and worthless. Followed by another palm heel strike to the head/face which sets up a beautiful O Soto Gari (throw). Wether you practice this kata or not the Osae Uke is worth incorporation gin to your repertoire of techniques.
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