Kathleen Edward Dying Girl Taunted

Learn Guitar FREE on iPhone & iPad: Kathleen Edward is a seven-year-old Trenton, Michigan, girl who is dying of the degenerative brain disorder Huntington’s disease. In October of 2010, reports surfaced saying that Kathleen and her family were reportedly the subjects of cruel taunts and outright cyber bullying by their neighbors, Jennifer and Scott Petkov. The Petkov’s admit to posting doctored photos of Kathleen’s mother, Laura Edward, with the Grim Reaper on Facebook on September 30, 2010. 24-year-old Laura Edward died of Huntington’s disease in 2009. According to My Fox Detroit, Jennifer and Scott Petkov have also admitted to posting a photo of Kathleen Edward’s face “above a set of crossbones“ on Facebook. Neighbors say the Petkovs also attached a coffin to their pick-up truck and drove past the Edwards’ home honking the horn. In an interview with FOX 2 News on October 8, 2010, Jennifer Petkov apologized for her behavior, saying “i
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