Cloud Sea Sky Boat in Dashiwei Tiankeng Group, Leye, Guangxi, China中国广西乐业大石围天坑群云海天舟

Leye Dashiwei Tiankeng Group ‌ is located in Leye County, Baise City, Guangxi, China. Is one of the world’s rarest karst wonders, Consists of 28 sinkholes, of which Tai Shek Wai Sinkhole is the representative landscape, It is known as the “World Karst resort“ and “Tiankeng Museum“. This area is not only unique in geological structure, but also rich in biological diversity, Formed a mysterious underground world, Including one of the largest underground virgin forests in the world. Tai Shek Wai Tiankeng group of Le Ye One of the representative landscapes is ‌ sea of clouds and sky boat ‌, This is a high-altitude glass walkway, It is located at the west peak of Tai Shek Wai, about 1450 meters above sea level. The upper and lower floors of the Cloud Sea Tianzhou overhanging viewing platform Offering an extensive viewing platform and a casual coffee service area, Visitors can relax and enjoy the stunning scenery as if they were at the top of the clouds. The overhanging length of the sky boat reaches 34 meters, It’s 610 meters above the bottom of the pit, Provides a unique view of Tai Shek Wai Tin Hang and its surroundings. This project is not only one of the core attractions of Tai Shek Wai Tin Hang Scenic Area, It is also one of the most popular tourist attractions in Leye County, Attracted many tourists to come to play and take photos. Tai Shek Wai Tiankeng Group in Leye is not only a gathering place of natural landscapes, Or a man who conducts geological research, The ideal place for ecological sightseeing and popular science education. It shows the magic of nature And the harmonious coexistence of human’s protection and development of the natural landscape ‌
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