
In this original song, a comic-book superheroine details the beginning of her day. Lyrics: Superheroine Wake up Early in the morning, After last night Feel a bit raw. Know it Will take a lot of effort To squeeze into my Double-reinforced bra. Do some Stretching exercises, Never mind how Painful it feels. You’ve got To grin and bear the bad stuff To save the universe In nine-inch heels. The bad guys wait for me; How will they tie me up today? I’ve mastered all the knots They’ve used before, so that’s okay. Perhaps the hero down The street will need to rescue me. My suit accentuates My cleavage very subtly. Be prepared to show some skin If you’re a superheroine. Eat some Celery and rice cakes, Not too much: Wouldn’t want to get fat. Make sure I’ve perfected all my poses; It’d be bad If I didn’t do that. Check that I’m in very little
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