Dedicated to Norway: Scorpions & Tarja - The Good Die Young,

Scorpions with Tarja Turunen at Saimaa Open Air, Finland 22nd of July 2011. Klaus Meine dedicated this song to all those people who are being touched by a bomb blast and a massacre in Norway the same day. Lyrics: You wake up Watch the world go ’round You shiver Feeling upside down Your heart is beating fast Pumping blood to your head Another day to fight You have a prayer on your lips under the desert sun And a loaded gun You remember That your father said Stay out of trouble son If you’re true to yourself You’ll be working like a dog Raise a family And life will be alright But now it’s written in the stars if you’ll make it out alive Out alive The good die young There might be no tomorrow In god we trust Through all this pain and sorrow The good die young The flame will burn forever And no one knows your name Bring the boys back home again It was a quie
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