Soviet Army March “Songs of October“ (Valentin Volkov) / Марш Песни Октября (Валентин Волков)
March “Songs of October“ on themes of Russian Revolutionary songs of times of Civil War “We will bravely go to the battle for Soviet power“ (unknown author of lyrics, music based on Maximilian Steinberg’s themes from romance “White acacia’s clusters“ on lyrics by admiral Alexander Kolchak, 1910s) and “Our Steam locomotive“ (unknown author of lyrics, music by Pavel Zubakov, 1921-1922), composer Valentin Konstantinovich Volkov, 1970s. Central Military band of Ministry of Defense of USSR (full title since 1973: The First Separate Exemplary Orchestra (Band) of Ministry of Defense of the Soviet Union), conductor: Colonel Anatoly Vasilyevich Maltsev (1934–2015) – Chief of the Band in 1977-1985s, in 1987-1992s Chief of the Alexandrov Ensemble (Red Army Choir). Recording of 1978 year.
В.К.Волков, строевой марш “Песни октября“ на темы революционных песен (на основе песен “Смело мы в бой пойдём“ и “Наш паровоз“), си-бемоль мажор/соль минор, 19
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