World Cancer Congress Opens (1958)

Full title reads: “London. World Cancer Congress Opens“. Royal Festival Hall, London. GV Festival Hall. GV Interior shot of delegates inside the hall. CU “7th International Cancer Congress“ sign, camera pans down to “Royal Festival Hall 6th-12th July 1958“. GV Panning shot from delegates coming up stairs to the President Sir Stanford Cade, ., C.B. and his wife shaking hands with them. CU Sir Stanford, camera. SV Sir Stanford shaking hands with two nuns from Texas, camera moves into CU Top shot looking down on the delegates. CU Two doctors speaking. SV Group of doctors. CU Two more doctors. GV Mount Vernon Hospital. LV Pan int. Research scientists at work in Cancer laboratory. CU Liquid on boil. SV pan electron microscope to doctor looking in it. Microscope shot of cancer cells dividing. LV Patient being treated by 1500 Curie Cobalt Theratron. CU The machine revolving round the patient’s leg. SV Nurse operating the control panel of the apparatus. CU She pushes a button. As the apparatus bein
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