Full 3D model of famous Roman Fort at Vindolanda - Documentary

Claim your SPECIAL OFFER for MagellanTV here: Start your free trial TODAY so you can watch “The Hidden History of Rome“ about life in ancient Rome, and the rest of MagellanTV’s history collection: This video features a 3D reconstruction of a famous fort in England, located at Vindolanda, near Hadrian’s Wall. It was the Northmost border of the empire for centuries, carefully guarded and managed by foreign auxiliary forces. The model in the video is that of a 3rd century fort, which would gradually changed as the centuries went by until it was abandoned. It is because of the unit’s hurried departure that so many remains were left at the fort, to be uncovered by archeologists and researchers at the Vindolanda Trust. It is from very close reference to dozens of documents regarding their excavations and conclusions that this model was made possible. Of course, this video would also not be possible without the help of my loya
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