Why & how are so many Palestinians dying daily?

Why & how are so many Palestinians dying daily? In a statement today, the Israeli army announced it has conducted about 10,000 targeted airstrikes in Gaza size the 7th of October. However on the same day, the Palestinian health military announced the new death toll in Gaza. - More than 5,791 Palestinians were killed, including a staggering 2,360 children and 1,292 women. Although being a man doesnt justify death, but the numbers are to represent how much confirmed non-combatant lives have been shed by the US-EU backed war machine. The question now, what is Israel attacking in Gaza? 1- Military targets and military-related assets (polical, economic, etc) 2- Families of military members 3- Families carrying the last name of known military personnel despite no affiliation 4- Journalists and political activists 5- Economic and cultural assets (buildings, markets) However what is the reality of Israeli airstrikes and how did the death toll reach this h...“[They threw] Tons [of bombs] on a small residential block, on civilians and children. We rescued as much as we could, they were all children, and there are until now children there calling for help“, he says before fainting. #Gaza Источник: Lord Of War
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