PlayStation Plus June 2023 free games

NBA 2K23 Jurassic World Evolution 2 and Trek to Yomi are the free games on June 2022 for PlayStation Plus (Essential) owners ------------------------------------- #PlayStationPlus #playstation4 #playstation5 #freeplaystatingames #psplus #ps4 #ps5 #playstation #psplus2023 #psplusjune #june #nba2k23 #jurassicworldevolution2 #trektoyomi #jurassicworld ##jurassicpark ------------------------------------- @PlayStation ------------------------------------- 00:00:00 Intro 00:01:54 NBA 2K23 00:11:23 Jurassic World Evolution 2 00:26:42 Trek to Yomi 00:33:17 Outro ------------------------------------- ► Discord : ► Twitch : ► Dlive : ► Trovo : ► Twitter : ► Minds : ------------------------------------- If you see this you need to Subscribe
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