The Last Lights of Tuwad-Dhûmankon (Anbennar - Original Music Track)

Original music track, titled “The Last Lights of Tuwad-Dhûmankon“ for the Europa Universalis IV mod: Anbennar. This song tells the story of the Dwarves’ last defense of the Hold of Tuwad-Dhûmankon in the face of an overwhelming army of Hobgoblins. Artwork by various amazing contributors to Anbennar. “By the time that the Amethyst Dwarves realised something was wrong and rallied an army to relieve Tuwad-Dhûmankon, the hold was already dangerously close to falling to the magically-aided tunnelling efforts and tenacity of the hobgoblins. Expecting their foes to flee before them like goblins often did, the dwarven relief army was slowed by the stubborn defence of the hobgoblins, and though the Emerald Dwarves thrice attempted to break out and connect with their allies, they were repulsed each time. Only a few escaped the fall of the hold by 908 BA, which the amethyst and peridot could see go dark in the distance but do nothing to save.“ Official
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