Klangnomad - Son of Spring

Hey! This is a mix I did on spring. I wish you enjoy!! Tracklist: 1. Xavier Rudd -- Spirit Bird (Aux n Morris Summerspring Edit) 2. Patrick Ebert -- I had 3. Bon Iver -- Holocene (David B Edit) 4. I am Oak -- Don’t I know enough (Niklas Thal Edit) 5. Ellie Goulding -- I need your love (Florian Paetzold Edit) 6. Greg Laswel -- Comes and goes (Niklas Thal Edit) 7. Subborn -- Love (Fennec & Wolf Edit) 8. Ellie Goulding -- Roscoe (David B. Edit) 9. Faul -- Changes (Feat Wad Ad) 10. Androma - Gunjule ---------
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