Churchill In Africa (1943)

Full title reads: “CHURCHILL IN AFRICA“. North Africa. Mr Churchill’s car being cheered on arrival in Tunisia. Britain’s Prime Minister Mr Winston Churchill inspects Guard of Honour of British troops. Various shots of Mr Churchill standing in the Roman amphitheatre of ancient Carthage to address 3,000 British and American troops. Churchill with Foreign Minister Anthony Eden in background inspects Guard of Honour of American troops. Various shots of Churchill in open car being cheered by members of armoured regiment. Various shots of Churchill, Eden and Tedder at . (Royal Air Force) headquarters. They walk inside and are seen seated around table after lunch. Several shots of Eden and Churchill addressing the troops from the back of an army truck. Churchill sits with General Dwight Eisenhower, Eden and some senior officers including General George Marshall, during talks at the U.S. Army headquarters. Churchill on steps of American headquarters, on his left is Harold Macmillan. (Mute
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