T r a n s f o r m a t i o n - Mama Prabhu / sacred mantra / 528Hz

Sacred and mystical mantra - Mama Prabhu - composed by a spiritual master, mystic, and supreme Yogi Sri Chinmoy. This devotional mantra, when sung most soulfully and devotedly, has tremendous power to destroy and take away our ego, transform all of our negativity and darkness into pure light, peace, and bliss, magically shifting our consciousness into the sublime heights and serenity. It cleanses our minds, purifies our hearts, and attracts miracles into our lives. For more powerful results while listening, there is a sacred 528 Hz Solfeggio Frequency included, which is known as the miracle and love frequency and has been shown to facilitate the process of whole-being transformation and even stimulating DNA repair. This frequency resonates at the core of everything; connecting our heart, our spiritual nature, and the divine harmony. The 528 Hz frequency is a sensational tone that has been used since ancient civilizations for healing and to manifest miracles. #transformation #mantra #SriChinmoy #sacred #528H
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