10,000 Hours (Live at Hugh’s Room)

“Friday“ is the latest Monkey House album on Alma Records, released on July 26, 2019. The band played to a standing room only audience at Hugh’s Room Live in Toronto on July 22, 2019 to celebrate the release of “Friday“. We will be posting one song a month from that concert. Enjoy! After Malcolm Gladwell’s 2008 bestseller Outliers introduced the world at large to the idea that 10,000 hours of practice was a benchmark for excellence, journeyman music artists everywhere began tallying up their woodshedding and touring hours, hoping to to discover that they were The Beatles. Of course, as Gladwell would be the first to tell you, it isn’t as simple as logging the requisite hours... This song is my wink at the phenomenon! —DB The Band Don Breithaupt - keys, lead vocals, arranger Mark Kelso - drums Pat Kilbride - bass Justin Abedin - guitar William Sperandei - trumpet John Johnson - sax Ian Jutsun - bg vocals Produced by Peter Cardinali and Don Breithaupt 10,000 Hours written by Don Breithaupt, published by Car
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