40 Min INTENSE Tabata for Weight Loss

DO THIS WORKOUT TO SWEAT, DROP INCHES, & FEEL GOOD! Todays workout is accompanied by a very special guest - my sister! We are going to rock it out, jam it out, and sweat it out together. This workout left us sore for days, so I hope you are prepared for the challenge. Make sure to have a bottle of water near by - there will be a water break half way through this workout, but make sure to also hydrate as much as possible post workout and throughout the day. This workout makes you SWEAT, so be warned! We start todays workout with a 10 minute warm up, then we go into Tabata Style training for about 20 minutes total. There will be a nice cool down at the end of the workout as a reward for your hard work and to prepare you for your next workout! If you struggle at any point, its okay- just walk it out. Keep your head up, and if the full 40 minutes is too much, come back to it another day! Workout Stats: Apple Watch Setting: High Intensity In
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