The Casualties “So Much Hate“

A video for our song, “So Much Hate” has been on our minds for awhile now. The lyrics are unfortunately much more relevant now, than from when we first wrote it. For moving images to really portray what we want to express, we knew we needed to show both recent footage and images from the past. We also wanted help from our listeners. It was of the utmost importance that we showed different walks of life and even some of our friends that are now parents. Our friend Jarrett Barnes edited and helped put these ideas together and into action. Jarrett has the ability to hear what you want and really bring it to the screen. This video tries to look at the question of why is there so much hate in this world? Are we born this way? NO, hate is taught and passed down from generation to generation. Hate feeds off fear and before we know it, we are in the exact situation that we find ourselves in now! But, the silver lining is that we can change this and we can educate ourselves and help educate each other. There is no better time to start, than right NOW! Lyrics: Why am I writing? Why are you crying? Why is there so much hate in this world? Why are we fighting? Why are we dying? Why is there so much hate? I’ve got this bad feeling, I can’t get this out of my head now. I’ve seen this all before and I know the way it ends. I’ve got so much left to say, but it’s all lost in translation. Look at me one last time, this life is so uncertain. Why am I writing? Why are you crying? Why is there so much hate in this world? Why are we fighting? Why are we dying? Why is there so much hate in this world? This hidden culprit is laughing behind all of our fears, yeah. Your black skin, your brown, your white, we all bleed red now. I’ve got this hate inside me. You’ve given birth to our children. We pass it on to them and this nightmare never ends. Why am I writing? Why are you crying? Why is there so much hate in this world? Why are we fighting? Why are we dying? Why is there so much hate in this world? We live our lives in fear, still hoping that things will change. Your sights trained on me, but my life is not for the taking. Why am I writing? Why are you crying? Why is there so much hate in this world? Why are we fighting? Why are we dying? Why is there so much hate in this world?
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