#每日中文 #常用汉字部首
Today, I am going to introduce 25 radicals. We will learn their original scripts and associated characters and words. Some of them have very similar forms but quite different meanings.
1. 【户】 ✏️ door | house 📢 /hù/
户字头 hùzìtóu
户 is a pictograph character. Its oracle bone script depicts a single leaf door.
2. 【门】 ✏️ door | gate 📢 /mén/
门字框 ménzìkuàng
门 is a pictograph character. Its oracle bone script depicts a double leaf door.
3. 【穴】 ✏️ cave | den | hole 📢 /xué/
穴宝盖 | 穴字头 xuébǎogài | xuézìtóu
穴 is a pictograph character. Its original script resembles a cave where the ancients lived.
4. 【宀】 ✏️ roof | residence | house 📢 /mián/
宝盖头 bǎogàitóu
宀 is a pictograph character. Its oracle bone script depicts a house with a roof, representing a simple house in ancient times.
5. 【冖】 ✏️ cloth cover 📢 /mì/
秃宝盖 tūbǎogài
In ancient times, 冖 was the same as the character 幂(mì) which means “cloth cover“.
6. 【冂】 ✏️ wide | range | a place far away from the city 📢 /jiōng/
同字框 tóngzìkuàng
冂 is a pictograph character. Its original script represents an area outside the city, meaning a place far away from the city.
7. 【几】 ✏️ small table 📢 /jī/
几字头 | 几字底 jīzìtóu | jīzìdǐ
几 is a pictograph character. Its oracle bone script resembles a small wooden table.
8. 【凵】 ✏️ pit | concave 📢 /kǎn/
凶字框 | 下三框 xiōngzìkuàng | xiàsānkuāng
凵 is a pictograph character which depicts a pit, a large hole in the ground. In ancient times, 凵 was the same as 坎 (kǎn), which means “pit; sunken“.
9. 【匚】 ✏️ box | utensil | hiding 📢 /fāng/
左方框 zuǒfāngkuàng
匚 is a pictograph character. Its oracle bone script resembles an ancient square utensil used for holding things. 匚 and 匸(xì hiding enclosure) were unified as the radical 匚.
10. 【勹】 ✏️ wrap 📢 /bāo/
包字头 bāozìtóu
勹 is a pictograph character. In ancient times, 勹 was the same as 包 (bāo), meaning “wrap“.
11. 【囗】 ✏️ fenced or walled enclosure 📢 /wéi/
围字框 | 大口框 wéizìkuàng | dàkǒukuàng
囗 is a pictograph character. Its original script resembles a fenced or walled enclosure. In ancient times, it was the same as the character 围 (“wéi“ surround, enclose).
12. 【厂】 ✏️ cliff | house 📢 /hǎn/
厂字头 chǎngzìtóu
厂 is a pictograph character. Its oracle bone script resembles a cliff protruding outward, meaning “mountain cliff“. 厂 is also the simplified form of 廠(chǎng) which means wall-less house.
13. 【广】 ✏️ house | broad | spacious 📢 /yǎn/
广字头 guǎngzìtóu
广 is a pictograph character. Its original script resembles a wall-less house by a cliff-side. Now 广 is also the simplified form of 廣(guǎng) which means spacious house.
14. 【疒】 ✏️ sickness 📢 /nè / jí/
病字头 bìngzìtóu
The oracle bone scrip of 疒 is a compound ideograph character, which resembles a sick person lying in bed. Its original meaning was serious illness. 疾 meant ailment (小病).
15. 【尸】 ✏️ body | house 📢 /shī/
尸字头 shīzìtóu
尸 is a pictograph character. Its oracle bone script depicts a kneeling person. Chinese characters with the radical 尸 are often related to body. Several characters with this radical are related to house, such as: 层, 屋, 居, etc.
16. 【罒】 ✏️ net | snare 📢 /wǎng/
四字头 | 网字头 sìzìtóu | wǎngzìtóu
罒 is a pictograph character. Its oracle bone script depict a net or snare (网 wǎng ). It is always placed on the upper part of a character.
17. 【西】 ✏️ cover | west 📢 /yà/
西字头 xīzìtóu
襾 is a pictograph character which resembles covering something. 西 is also a pictograph character, which depicts an ancient utensil. 襾 and 西(xī west) were unified as the radical 西. When used as a radical, 襾 is written as 覀.
18. 【方】 ✏️ side by side | square | flag 📢 /fāng/
方字旁 fāngzìpáng
The oracle bone script of 方 resembles two parallel boats. 㫃(yǎn) is a pictograph character which resembles a flying flag. Some Chinese characters have the component 㫃, such as: 旗, 族, 旋, 旅, etc. 㫃 and 方 were united as the radical 方.
19. 【里】 ✏️ village 📢 /lǐ/
里字旁 lǐzìpáng
里 is a compound ideograph character, meaning “the place where people live“. The upper part of the character is 田, meaning “field“; and the lower part is 土, meaning “soil“.
20. 【礻】 ✏️ rite | ritual | ancestor | veneration 📢 /shì/
示字旁 shìzìpáng
礻 is originated from 示 (shì). 礻 is used as the left-side component in characters.
21. 【示】 ✏️ ritual | ancestor | veneration 📢 /shì/
示字底 shìzìdǐ
示 is a pictograph character. Its oracle bone script depicts a simple altar made of two stones.
22. 【卜】 ✏️ divination 📢 /bǔ/
卜字旁 bǔzìpáng
卜 is a pictograph character. Its oracle bone scrip resembles the cracks that appear on a burned tortoise shell. It was considered as an omen of divination.
23. 【用】 ✏️ use 📢 /yòng/
用字旁 yòngzìpáng
The oracle bone script of 用 resembles a tortoise shell having omen signs of divination on it.
24. 【歹】 ✏️ death | decay | vicious 📢 /dǎi/
歹字旁 dǎizìpáng
歹 is a pictograph character. Its oracle bone script resembles residual bones.
25. 【尢】 ✏️ lame 📢 /wāng